Tuesday, January 30, 2007

On the Brink of New Doors

Thank you so much for your prayers this last week! We asked you to pray and you did. God has begun to open up some possible new doors for us to continue sharing our ministry with people and gain support.

Right now Jennifer and I are sitting on the brink of 3 churches opening up to us to share our hearts with their congregations. In addition, God has opened up the door to the possibility of us meeting with two very influential people in the Tyler area that could help us network with many more believers.

We're not sure which avenues the Lord will open up entirely for us and which ones will close, but as we sit on the verge of new opportunities opening up, our hearts are eager to see how the Lord will work. Please continue praying for us this next week. Pray that God would open up one of these doors widely so that we can continue on sharing our hearts for ministry with believers in the area.

1 comment:

Jason Bowker said...

Know that Mandy and I are praying for you guys daily. We love you and are so proud of the ministry you are doing.