Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In Need of Prayer: New Opportunities

As I write this, Jennifer and I are in need of some committed prayer. For the last couple of weeks, we have been seeking the Lord earnestly asking for new opportunities to share our vision with people to gain prayer and financial support. So far, we've met with the majority of Jennifer's hometown church, and while it has been great watching the Lord provide for us there, it has been extremely difficult to get other churches in the area to rally behind us. The spiritual warfare has been tough as we've rode the roller coaster of frustration these past few weeks. We need God to breakthrough and open up new avenues for us to share our hearts with people.

So we are asking you to pray for us. We realize the power of God's people praying fervently for something on their hearts. Please pray that God would open up new opportunities and avenues for us to share our vision with people and churches in the area. Pray that God would bring us into contact with influential believers who can help us get to know more people in the area. Pray that our hearts would not be discouraged as we face frustrating times, but that we would be strengthened by the Spirit to endure.

Thank you so much for your prayers. We will keep you posted on how God moves...

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