Monday, January 07, 2008

DWC in Pictures

After six days with around 800 college students, we're back home in Tyler now and are tired...let me rephrase that, REALLY tired! The conference was wonderful. It's so exciting to think about all that God did the last few days. Here are some photos from the conference and some snipits of what happened...(click on any of the pictures for a larger view)

Downtown Dallas from the hotelThe theme of the conference: Convinced. What would it look like if I were convinced God truly loved me? What would my walk be like?Students wave their school flags before a Main Session meeting. Talk about your school spirit. There were a lot of school songs sung and cheers yelled during the conference!Roderick Barnes teaches from the Word during a Main Session about being Convinced. During the Main Sessions and Seminars, there where a few students who came to know the Lord...I'm not sure of the exact number, but how exciting!!!Addison Road leads worship time during a Main Session.The Day of Outreach. Students assemble school supply packets and Gospel bead bracelets to hand out to schoolchildren in West Dallas (the 11th poorest community in our nation). Overall during the day, the Gospel message was shared 400 times as students and staff went door-to-door all over Dallas. By the end of the day, 25 people had entered into a personal relationship with Christ! Praise God!Another shot of the school supply packet assembly line. It was so fun to see the children's faces as we handed the packets to them!Dave Broadwell, a staff member who served at Virginia Tech during the shootings last spring, leads a devotional time for the students. He lead us through Psalm 23, which was an instrumental scripture for the staff team and students to rely upon when the tragedy struck Virginia Tech.Jennifer and I's main staging ground for helping out at the conference...the Bookstore/Coffee Shop. Yup, college kids love their Starbucks! Each night, the Bookstore and Coffee Shop would be open until 1 am for the students to hang out, play games, and purchase materials for ministry and personal growth. It was really fun to be a part of during the conference! Another shot of the Bookstore...After a few days of sitting through seminars and talks, men need activity. Our solution? DODGEBALL! Yup, you've got it...hundreds of guys packed in a small hotel conference room hurling balls at each other. It was a blast! Yes, the staff even got in on the action. Let's just say we were the "shirtless Gideons" of the conference...Us and a good friend from Texas A&M. Most of the time during DWC, we helped out with the A&M group that attended. It was great to make new friends among the students and staff there and hear how God is shaping each of their hearts. We even had a wonderful game of Settlers of Catan with them. Yup, I'm pretty sure knowledge of that game is becoming a staple basic ministry skill :-)

The conference was wonderful. It rejuvenated our hearts as well as moved in incredible ways on the hearts of the students. It was amazing to see their excitement during each of the main session talks, especially when our president, Steve Douglas, told them the big picture of what God is doing in the world today. I know there will be more harvesters in the mission field as a result of this conference...I could see it in the students eyes. It's an incredible site to behold.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers these past few days for the event. You were a pivotal part in its success. Thank you so much for lifting up the students in prayer!

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