Thursday, December 13, 2007

The God that Comforts...

It's been around four hours since my last post, and let me tell you, God has been on the move in our house tonight. If you've read my last post, you'll know how discouraged Jenn and I felt after receiving the difficult letter in the mail. Four hours ago was probably one of the lowest times we've both had. Our hearts felt absolutely decimated...

Since then however, God has stepped in. Our God is an awesome Comforter, and He's shown us that tonight. With our hearts down and doubting, He stepped in and brought two new supporters onto our team. He didn't have to do that tonight, but He orchestrated it so that He could reaffirm to our hearts our calling. He also moved in other conversations we had tonight. We've talked with a couple of staff tonight that have been a huge encouragement to us and have spoken truth to our hearts.

Our hearts feel comforted and not quite so overwhelmed now. Slowly, we're starting to smile again and take joy in all of this. Let me tell you, it's amazing to see God be the ultimate Comforter that brings peace to our hearts!


Anonymous said...

Many thoughts came to my mind as I read these heart wrenching posts, then the scripture came to me from Song of Solomon 2:16 "I am my Beloved's & HE is Mine". How blessed to be comforted by such a Faithful Creator,Savior & LORD, Jesus. I'm praying for your continued encouragement. Always in HIM,~DB~

Anonymous said...

It's so good to know that you are being faithful to what God has called you to do. It is worth it!! Others may not understand it but that's okay. Keep your eyes on Christ. You guys are doing a great job and you'll make it in God's perfect time.