Monday, December 17, 2007

Footprints in Everystudent

Sometimes Jennifer and I get flack about our involvement with There's a lot of people who are skeptical of doing ministry over the internet, and to a certain extent I can understand, especially since it's such a new arena for evangelism.

However, the fact of the matter is that we are becoming a very media-based society. We need to find ways to reach the highly tech-educated society we live in with the Gospel message. The means of delivering the message may change, but the message doesn't. Christ is mankind's savior and reconnection to God.

Are people really that serious though about checking out religious information online?

For the last 30 minutes, I have watched the "footprints" of people who have visited the website. I've been able to see what website or what web search brought them to (It's all part of the new instant messaging features we mentioned in our October newsletter.) You'd be amazed to see how many people are searching for spiritual answers online...

Here are just a few of the phrases people typed in search engines to get to

From Yahoo: "Proof of Jesus Life", "How do we know that Jesus really existed?", "Judaism & Jesus"
From Google: "How to Pray", "Is there a God?", "Best Christmas Gift Ever", "How can I have my prayer answered by God?", "Fear of Death", "God & Holy Trinity", "What is the Holy Spirit?", "How do I pray and get instant results?", "Was God Real?", "Does God exist?", "How do we have complete trust in God?"

Yes, people are seeking spiritual answers online! For now, while we're raising our initial support, this is the arena that God has us in to reach people with the Gospel. While we're eager and ready to get to Idaho, there is still a huge need that we're helping out with by God's grace online. Please pray for all those we talk with on the website. Pray that God would soften their hearts to respond to the Gospel message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this info. I always learn more about your ministry & it gives me better insight to what students are searching for spiritually. I'm so thankful for your committment to the LORD & winning students to HIM. ~D~