Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Left With Uneasiness

Have you ever read a book that just left you with a feeling of uneasiness? Right now I'm undergoing that feeling and trying to process everything I've just read...

A few months ago while Jenn and I were in South Dakota, a good friend of mine suggested some books for me to read that challenge the way we look at modern Christianity. One of them was Shane Claiborne's "The Irresistible Revolution."

So for the past month or so, I've been plunging through the book. Let me tell you, it has been quite an emotional roller coaster ride! At times, I've been totally engaged and intrigued by the realities exposed in the book. At other times, I've been totally irate at the rather loose theology used in the book. (Ask Jenn, we've had MANY discussions about all this lately in our household!)

The book centers around a very radical way of living out Christianity, and discusses many aspects of the world and church...poverty, apathy, war, money, community, mega name it. I feel drawn to the radicalness of what is said. The discussions on interdependent communities, reinstitution of Jubilee, and peaceful ways of living especially hit home with me and have challenged me.

Yet there is just something that leaves me feeling unsettled with the book. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't like the uneasiness feeling I'm left with. Guess I'll have to keep thinking about it and processing it over the few days...

1 comment:

Jason Bowker said...

Hey Buddy. I'm glad you read that book and I am glad you are uneasy about it. I've been uneasy about it for a year now. I know God is going to do huge things through you two, but I pray that it would not just be in the area of evangelism. I pray that God would mold your heart for the poor and the outcast, the widow the orphan the oppressed. They are everywhere. They are in Moscow. As one of my favorite speakers says, "If the poor are going to inherit the earth, I sure want to be around them when they come into their inheritance." God Bless.