Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Good News

"Sola Gratia" and "Sola Fide"'s been the battle cry of the book I have delved into this past week. Grace alone. Faith alone. These two foundational truths of the Gospel are a joy to every believer's heart.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast." ~Ephesians 2:8
Simply put, the Gospel message is all about grace. Grace...God's unmerited favor. We're men guilty of sin, but God justifies us and imputes Christ's righteousness on us by his grace. Grace alone restores our relationship with God. Nothing else works.
How do we get this grace? It's only through faith. No works of meritorious service or charity can ever gain it. No amount of going to church or performing religious rituals could ever gain it. Faith alone is the avenue to God's grace. And did you catch the twist in the Ephesians verse? Even faith is a gift from God. That's right, don't get the notion that your prideful faith earns you grace. Saving faith is a gift God gives us. Nothing distracts from God's glory in salvation.
Grace Alone. Faith Alone. Nothing else works. Nothing else is Biblical. How sad it is to see how some supposedly "Christian" churches have strayed from these foundational truths of the Gospel. Our hearts should shutter deep within whenever a "gospel" other than grace alone and faith alone is preached.
In light of this, I thought the following quote is appropriate to share. It connected with my heart and I think it should be our attitude as believers.
"As religiously incorrect as it may be, I cannot keep quiet. The stakes are too high. If I truly love others, I will do what I can to direct them toward the Gospel, even if it results in conflict. What if I preach the Gospel to a person who is already converted? If a person has truly embraced Christ by faith, that person will hear my heart and my word and will say a hearty "amen". But if he does not know the peace that comes from being justified by God's grace through faith, I may become a messenger of life to him." - James R. White
Grace Alone. Faith Alone. It's the only way.

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