Thursday, September 28, 2006

On the Road Again...

On Monday, Jennifer and I will hit the road again to travel north to my hometown of Forsyth, Montana to continue support raising for our ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ. The trip will take a couple of days, so please keep us in your prayers for safe travel during that time.

We plan on spending 2 to 3 weeks in the Forsyth and Colstrip area expanding our prayer base and gaining more financial support for our ministry to college students at the University of Idaho.
After our time in Forsyth, we will be heading on a vision trip to the University of Idaho for a few days to see the campus and meet the team we will be joining in ministry once our support goals have been reached. We are so excited to see the campus God has called us to!!!

The trip from Texas to Montana is long and rather boring. Jennifer and I have travelled it twice so far in the last year together. However, did you know that the world's largest prairie dog is in Kansas? Don't believe me? Here is the sign for the entrance...

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